Software package for analyzing and processing data recorded by measuring devices

Software package for analyzing and processing data recorded by measuring devices


    M-Visu is a powerful software package for analyzing and processing data recorded by Meier Energy measuring devices equipped with on-board memory, such as portable network analyzers, power meters with memory, weather stations, RTU, etc.

    It allows precise visualization and analysis of recorded data, while offering advanced features such as automatic reporting.
    M-Visu gives you the flexibility and data analysis capabilities you need to make better maintenance and facility management decisions. Indeed, thanks to its advanced statistical analysis tools, M-Visu allows you to quickly identify trends, correlations and anomalies in recorded data. This essential functionality allows, in the case of electrical network analyzers, to optimize network performance and efficiently resolve problems.


    • Configuration of measuring devices (locally or remotely)
    • Reading, downloading and analyzing files produced by MEIER Energy devices.
    • Tools for processing and analyzing power quality events for a better understanding of performance: CBEMA-ITIC curve, capture of electrical signal waveforms, spectral analysis of harmonics, etc.
    • Advanced statistical tools to identify trends, correlations and anomalies in power grid data.
    • Generation of automatic reports: power quality analysis, reactive power compensation study (PFC), harmonic filtering study, etc.

    Product Videos

    Installation & Activation of M-Visu
    How to Import and View Data from QA700E Portable Analyzer on M-Visu
    Harmonics Analysis with QA700E Portable Analyzer on M-Visu
    Event Tracking with the QA700E Portable Analyzer on M-Visu
    Automatic Report Generation with M-Visu

    Product Resource